Saturday, April 25, 2009

Starting a blog...

I really don't know what prompted me to do this. It's likely due to the fact that the three and a half fans of my myspace blog have moved on. This is probably because the three and a half people who still used myspace have moved on. Well, two and a half. I'm still there... myspace stalking myself.

The biggest task when starting this blog was to decide what my user name would be. Nerdy ideas aplenty were thrown around: small town smart ass, cynical nerd, peanut butter whore, ConanOLuv, how do you use this?, I can't sleep again, there's nothing good on TV at 5 AM, tone deaf, didn't feel like cowtipping tonight. After much deliberation and thinking objectively about who I really am, I chose the nerdiest moniker: Random Rambler. And due to my incredible inventiveness, I worked very hard on a blog name: Random Sarcastic Ramblings. I know, I know. You only wish you had my creative vision. Who doesn't?!

To warn you in advance, my blogs never make any sense, they go off on tangents that come out of nowhere and bitch slap cohesion, and very rarely is anything I say meant to be taken seriously. That whole last sentence could have been a farce. You may never know. I also write about things that really have no social significance and you would never guess someone could write a 500 word blog on: how much NBC needs to suffer for the three months between Conan's Late Night and Conan's Tonight Show (no plan was ever really made for this... the conclusion was just that thousands of people would go crazy and cease to understand that a remote was not a calculator), why John Mayer owes me $500, why I dream about dinosaurs and King Kong criticizing Parliament in English accents, and what college actually teaches someone.

I hope you're ready. I'm not really. I just want to go to bed and ask King Kong what he really thinks about Gordon Brown.


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