Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Argument FOR Barry Bonds (aka "Michelle is High")

OMG, Michelle's saying a good thing about a former Giant? Doesn't that make her unworthy to wear an A's hat? Shed up. You try living in a family full of Giants fans and getting out alive if you say anything bad about Barry. Bonds, that is. I would never think of saying anything bad about Barry Zito. Even if he went over to the dark side, he's still just as insane, flaky, and occasionally awesome as always. Plus I secretly think he could take over the world with his curve ball, and I'm just covering my bases. I don't want to be on his bad side.

Anyway, while I have lovingly referred to Bonds as Barroid many a time, I got into a heated debate with one of my coworkers a couple of weeks ago about this. Mostly he yelled and didn't let me say anything, so it wasn't really an argument. It was me wondering if said coworker actually could explode. I still maintain it's going to happen one day. But he didn't let me make my case for Barroid. Here we go...

1) Before he turned into The Incredible Bulk, he was pretty amazing. Gold Glove winner, five tool player, 40/40 guy, only dude to get to 500 home runs/500 steals (although the 500th home run came after the bulking, he would have gotten there regardless), and just generally very kickass, well rounded player.

2) I think people underestimate the prevalence of steroid usage in baseball. You really think none of the pitchers he was facing were also juicing? Come on, let's put down the Sesame Street juice box and stop being so naive.

3) Roiding up doesn't necessarily make you the best baseball player since Bugs Bunny. Look at Ken Caminiti. Decent? Yes. Barroid? No. So you have to have pre-existing talent. If I started roiding up, it's not like I'd be able to hit 500 home runs. I'd still swing and miss repeatedly. And then wonder why I've suddenly grown a beard.

4) A lot of people say that they're angry that he was using because the record means nothing now. They hate him for that. Yet it's an extremely strong possibility that A-Rod will break the home run record, too, he was also found to be using, and apparently no one cares. So there goes that argument out the window.

5) Let's face it. The main reason people hate him so much is because he hates the media. And the media retaliated. We're all too busy believing whatever nonsense we read, hear on the radio, or watch on ESPN. Also, as a west coast player, he is inconsequential in national media. ESPN's Baseball Tonight should be called "How Cute Was Derek Jeter Tonight? Oh, And We All Want to Be David Ortiz... What? There Are Other Teams in MLB? Whatever. You Lie." But clearly that's too long.

I rest my case.